Tuesday, December 16, 2008


ari nih irene online agik.. well waiting for something since yesterday.. a long lost person to reply my msg... LONG LOST PERSON???

yup.. accidently found him here online.. in TAGGED.. not accidently actually.. i am looking for him.. n found his profile when i keyed in his full name..

well.. just for info, twelve years ago, i was a problematic teenager. i was staying at an aunt's place coz my parents couldnt handle me anymore.. i had miscom with my parents. so, among my friends, there was a person introduced me to this fella.. he was such a great bro.. wrote notes to me.. to give me motivation on life and school.. well.. even called me from kedah.. haha.. jauh kan.. during that time there was no such thing called mobile phones and flat rates kan..

another thing, when he's having his practicum here, i went to meet him at bukit bintang area.. he treated me baskin robin ice cream. the very first time i have my taste bud on BR ice cream.. tq bro.. and on my 17th birthday, he gave me a cap and embroided pink towel.. still have that till now.. written HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAFI ROZERIN SWEET 17.. DORAEMON..

keep it till now coz want to meet him again..

till now dont know why so suddenly he disappeared himself..

if u happen to read this.. please... send me a message..

really wanna talk to you...

finding your profile here is the happiest moment of my life, coz it has been 12 years looking for you...

please my dear doraemon...


b4 i end.. kat profile kat tagged tu de lagu nih.. i know the history of this song...



Di suatu senja di musim yang lalu
Ketika itu hujan rintik
Terpukau aku menatap wajahmu
Di remang cahaya sinar pelangi
Lalu engkau tersenyum
Ku menyesali diri
Tak tahu apakah erti senyummu

Dengan mengusap titik airmata
Engkau bisikkan deritamu
Tersentuh hati dalam keharuan
Setelah tahu apa yang terjadi
Sekian lamanya engkau
Hidup seorang diri
Ku ingin membalut luka hatimu

( korus )
Widuri (widuri)
Elok bagai rembulan... oh sayang
Widuri (widuri)
Indah bagai lukisan... oh sayang
Widuri (widuri)
Bukalah pintu hati untuk ku
Widuri (widuri)
Ku akan menyayangi

Sekian lamanya engkau
Hidup seorang diri
Ku ingin membalut luka hatimu

( korus )
Widuri (widuri)
Elok bagai rembulan... oh sayang
Widuri (widuri)
Indah bagai lukisan... oh sayang
Widuri (widuri)
Bukalah pintu hati untuk ku
Widuri (widuri)
Ku akan menyayangi

Widuri (widuri)
Elok bagai rembulan... oh sayang
Widuri (widuri)...

and irene plak ske dgr lagu nioh.. tingat de soang peserta AF5, Stnaley penah nyanyi lagu nih... mmg best!!


When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

[Instrumental break]

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up... To more than I can be.

wish to have a better life... :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

cant smile without you!!


a friend of mine just insert the first part of this song as her status in facebook.. ihiks!! i knew this song since i was in std 4. haha.. i am a big fan of ABBA n THE CARPENTERS songs by the way.. then the song really makes me smile to start the day.. aheheh

enjoy the song!!!


You know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile without you

You came along just like a song
And brightened my day
Who would have believed that you were part of a dream
Now it all seems light years away

And now you know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile

Now some people say happiness takes so very long to find
Well, I'm finding it hard leaving your love behind me

And you see I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel glad when you're glad
I feel sad when you're sad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile without you

pernah x???

pernah x tetibe.. koang ase koang putus ase dalam idop koang???

penah x koang ase.. tetibe jek ase macam segala keputusan yang penah koang wat dulu salah?

pernah x koang ase jek tetibe.. koang harap ape yang koang hadapi skang nih hanyalah satu mimpi.. so koang akan mangun, n then koang kate.. fuh naseb baek...

irene penah ase cam tu.. macam sme yang irene sebut kat atas.. tp irene tau... x baik nak memandang ke belakang, seolah menolak takdir..


bukan nak menmain, tp tu yang irene ase skang..
irene nih da jauh narr nyer terleke.. sampaikan segala nya irene nak salahkan takdir.. iskk.. x baik tul.

irene ase macam takdir nih x sebelahi irene, tp kalo irene kekang balik susur perjalanan irene sepanjang irene masih hidup nih, banyak yang sebenarnya takdir menyebelahi irene.. wpun irene diberi dugaan yang berat, insayallah, ujian Allah tu masih mampu irene tepis..

tp irene herabn, nape tetibe lately nih irene ase macam irene x cukup kuat, irene tau. sebab irene ilang akal jab. irene tidak berserah pada NYA. masya ALLAH.. xpatut tul irene nih.

irene de azam baru. nak ubah diri.. memandangkan tahun baru akan tibe x lama agik.. irene nak hijrah.

well.. doakan kejayaan irene, ok!! tp as always laa.. slow2.. nnt kalo tetibe naik gear lime, kete pun semput!!


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

over the weekend..

salam guys...

haha.. sepanjang cuti nih irene kate irene xde xtvt berfaedah yang irene wat kan.. haa.. still same goes now.. but i wanna share with all of u an exprience, yang may be bg orang laen mende biase.. but bg irene my first time experince.

well, as ramai yang tau, i am not a pure lady. yes.. for those who have known me for years akan tau yang irene nih sangat laaa nyampahnyer to appear ladylike in front of ppl. huk.. ape tah agik kalo kene berdandan berjam2.. tp bebaru nih mak cik irene ajak teman dier g dinner company yang dier kijer.. so as i know that it is such a big international company, huk, jd irene kene le appear according to the theme. huk...

so, first of all, i have to get my self a dress. i repeat, a dress. huk.. asenyer last irene li dress maser time irene baru masuk skola rendahh.. alerrr.. sebbaek kebetulan my pet sis nak g occasion kat brunei, so irene ikot dier g mencarik dress yang seswai ngan badan irene yang montel nih. hukk.. found one. shoulderless and knee-length. wallaaa... mano penah irene pakai dress paras lutut nih.. maklum le kaki irene nih macam kaki jantan.. tebal hutannyer...

so utk cover shoulderless tu, i bought myself a shawl.. hahaha... ok le tu.. the a new pair of shoes.. my pet sis suggest yang bertali kt ankle sebab dress tu knee length le..

sorry for being such a innocent (kunun...) but serious... i dont know how to dress up for a glamour dinner..

so since i have decided not to have any accessory (coz xnak ase cam telebey glamer plakk.. nak simple jek) so my WiSE fren suggest for me to have a not really neat-tied bun for my hair dressing. hahaha... so wat le sangul serabut tu.. again.. never set my hair before, coz i love to let them loose. huhu.. upenyer x lama ekk set rambut kat saloon nih.. just half an hour jek...

then ask the girl to put me on make-up as well.. hahaha.. mekap nih kalo bebese tu reti aaa gak nak wat sendrikk ( tu pun bebaru... lately nih jek reti nak ceconteng muke..) but for glamer dinner, x reti nyah!!! haha.. so amoi tu mekap laa skalik... giltter kunun.. tp irene nampak bese jek mekap dier.. tah.. xreti ler nak judge ok ke tak.. ase ok jek...

so, sampai jek kat vanue tu, kami naik ke ballroom. my aunt suh irene g jejenguk game kat sane sebelum dinner tu, but sme eala casino game, n mat saleh ngah ramai serbu, so malas laa.. haha.. just dok gegeget jek tit bits yang de kat lua tu... nice.. de choc dip agik..

so ble leh masuk kami pun masuk.. hahaha.. so irene duduk le ngan memakcik geng auntie irene tu.. skalik de soang secretary n kawan dier join kitwang sebab de seat kosong.. at least de gak le geng sebaya...

then the speech.. by whom? dont really pay attention.. sebab ase lapo da.. after the speech end kami g amik makanan... wallaaa.. panjang nyer Q even dier wat banyak stations. ye aa.. punyer laa wamai orang.

so, sesambil makan tu de aa few presentations.. de cultural dancing... so bile e agak owang da habis layan main course meal.. dier present artis yang dijemput.. irene memula x baper hirau ngat sapo artis nyerr.. sebab yang irene ingat my aunt sebut anita swak.. hmm.. until le persembahan pembukaan.. AMY SEARCH!!!.. walllaaa!!!

mmg head banging jab!!! KERJA GILA!!! waa.. then lagu TIADA LAGI.. then de satu agik lagu... tak ingat laa plakk... irene plak ikut daa owang lain ke depan pentas tu amik gamba dier.. kawan irene si emma tu kan sme amy search, so kene le ngejo dier nak gamba amy close up. skalik amy wat announcement nak 3 org naik ke pentas nyanyik ngan dier.. haaa... KERJA GILA irene wat.. larik naik atas pentas.. irene soang female... then de soang male, then soang boy.

then amy tanyer.. nih nak nyanyi lagu aperr... hukk.. mane irene tau.. irene sengehh jek... i kate up to u.. hahaha.. amy gelak. ok dier kate. then dier tanyer mamat soang tu, pun sesengeh jek.. ok laa.. dier kate dier nak nyanyik satu lagu yang bebtul kasik name search hangat.. bukan takat kat mesia.. but kat indon gak.. haa.. terus irene sebut.. isabella??? amy toleh n senyum.. ahahaha.. malu aku jab!!!!

so nyanyi laa.. dier start duluk!! then dier suh irene sambung, then mamat tu sambung, then boy tu sambung, then dier balik nyanyik.. huk.. tang chorus.. dier suh irene nyanyik dulu.. hukk.. leh ke nih.. kalo sumbang mintak mahap laa.. then.. irene dengar satu dewan tepuk.. miahahaha... ok.. then my sambung.. then mamat tu.. then budak tu...

so nyanyi laa kami sampai abehhh.. so ble da abehh.. kami turun le dari pentas.. so irene lalu laa sebelah soang mat saleh yang irene tau mmg bos department auntie irene.. dier kate well done.. good n lovely.. ahaha.. irene nk lari ke meje irene cepat sebab malu... then bile irene pi toilet ade aa dua tige org dok tegoo.. pandai ekk u nyanyi lagu melayu... laaa.. patut laa.. upernyer depe ingat irene cine!! iskk.. (lately nih slalu ngat org ingat irene cine.. since irene tukau hairstyle nih!!!)

then anita swak.. entering the hall.. iskk.. xske anita swak.. dier nyanyik lagu yang hanya mat saleh tu tau.. even showmanship dier best, tp time dier nynyik banyak yang kua pi amik makanan...

then buddy lorens. an entertainer invited from US. but he's good. dier wat homework tgk sape n aper yg diminati leh org malaysia skang. mamat nih dia nih pengajuk tau. dier leh nyanyi stail p ramlee.. x pelat pun.. n betol plak lirik tu.. macam mawi n m nasir.. then ramai gak aa yang dier ajuk... n make jokes too.. bestt.. mmg menghiburkan...

n finally jac victor.. waa.. tggi aa jac nih... dier pakai dress yag makin menyerlahkan kecantikan dier... soft light blue.. enter the hall with DANCING QUEEN.. waahh.. terangkat... irene pun ikot terangkat gak dari kosi ke depan pentas n menari ngan owang laen gakk.. heheh besttt!!! irene dok menari jek kat depan stage tu.. skalik maser soang soang owang naek atas pentas nak bergambar ngan jac.. irene pun naekk.. hahaha.. kamere kat tangan kan.. kan da bese amik gambar sendriikk.. haha.. sandar sebelah jac, an shoot.. jac spun sporting.. dier tunduk sket n CHEESE!!! waaa... send kat emma.. skenyer dier!!!! emma kan peminat jac. kalo x, xkan laa emal dier emmavictor!!!

ok.. then waititng for the lucky draw moment which we're not lucky.. then dah kui 12.10 am.. waktu cindarella da tamat.. well.. kuda da tuka jadik tikus.. irene da tuka jadik hodoh... n kete kuda da tuka jadik pumpkin.. so balik, anta my aunt ke umah dier, irene balik umah irene, tuka dress.. bukak sanggul.. then zassss....

esokknyer mangun pagi n g bekpes umah abah..
sebelum tu irene tenung jek dress tu... bile agik nak pakai dress tu??? li memahal... huhu xpe laa.. may be one fine dayy.. *sigh*

ok aa all.. irene nak sign out... it is an unforgetable experience... the dress, the singing, the dancing... ye laa.. keje kerajaan nih, wont have such event lerr.. i know may be de owang kate irene nih lelebeyy.. or over excited, or JAKUN, but hey, never had this kind of opportunity before... so.. xpe laa terlebey excited pun.. kan....
ok.. song of thr day.. TIADA LAGI by AMY SEARCH.. (just love this song.. bisa bikin nangis!!!)
Sia sia sudah
Kita jalin cinta
Bila hati selalu berbeda
Sampai kapan lagi
Ku harus menahan
Rasa kecewa di dalam dada
Seandainya kita masih bersatu
Tak mungkinkan menyatu
Walau masih ada sisa cinta
Biarkan saja berakhir sampai
Di sini
Tiada lagi yang ku harapkan
Tiada lagi yang ku impikan
Biar aku sendiri tanpa diri mu
Tiada lagi kata cintaku
Takkan lagi ku bersama mu
Biar ku simpan semua
Kenangan ku bersamamu…

Sunday, November 23, 2008

HUK.. it is damned boring!!!


wat pe ari nih u guys?

irene? huk ntah laa.. irene da bosan laa dok umah cuti nih. iskk ase macam xde xtvt plak nak wat.. bukan x de keje umah nak wat, tp maksud irene keje laen yang irene leh wat. ase macam terlebey rehat pun ade gak... hahaha... xlalu la!!!

weh najwa, ko wat ape ekk cuti nih? sepan,ko wat pe gak? mokh, u pun wat pe?? aduhai cikgu... koang xjaga spm gak kan.. hahahaha

nih irene kat starbuvck jusco cheras slatan.. ngah tunggu turn tiket wayang pukui lime stengah. nak tgk madagascar. huhuhu.. tp ase macam berejam plak lepak starbuck nih..mmg la dari kui satu lebey td..

hmm.. ntah laa.. da ase lemas ngat time cuti nih.. x sabo ase nak tggu time nak mark spm nih..

wehh.. for ppl at pahang.. jgn main air sungai tau!.. da nak musim banjir nih.. namo dengar nnt name koang jd mangsa banjir..

well, see ya all.. x de focus plak nak tulis blog kat starbuck nih. kene plak sejuk n wamai plak owang. bising.


Friday, November 14, 2008



da start da school holidays..
means da start da musim kendurik!!

huk huk... irene dapat manyak daa invitation sane cni..

kengkawan lama.. kengkawan baru sme nak kaweng daa...

huk huk.. capital!!!! nak li adiah n wat wet minyak tol nak g sane cni...


xpe.. rezeki depe time nih.. rezeki irene lelater laaa ekk..

ok aa all..

nak pi sensiap... sat g nak pi firt kenduri for this season.. kat jeantut, pahang..

take care all!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hoorraayyy!!!! hhoooorrrraaayyy!!! it is a happy HOLIDAYS!!

salamz all!!!

even skola de seminggu agiks, tp start esok, irene da x mai skola da.. well i have to attend the meeting for 4 days, till thursday, and on friday irene just come to close the register and then, ZZAAASSS!!!!


another thing that make me happy is my mission is completed!! start malam sok leh lene tdo.. malam nih xleh agik. esok kene submit all the imformation. and have to be ready for the critizise as well.. miahaha.. huk… sapo kato jadik cikgu nih sonang..

ok laa.. nak sumbit the report to my teamleader… pas2 nak titon!!!

nite2 all!!

sweet dream!!!

ehh.. in case before friday irene xdapek nak online.. nak wish kat rakan guru sekalian.. SELAMAT BERCUTI!!!


Friday, November 7, 2008

JusT aRouNd tHe CoRNeR..


td kan, term tu mmg popular kat sekolah..

for teachers, just another week of working.. xde le lepas tu cuti macam bebudak, but, alhamdulillh, leh le mangun lambat dari selalu..

for students, well, just another week for schooling. well, ari nih pun da x wamai da yang mai... my kids pun just 6/24 jek..

for SPM candidates, next tuesday means WAR!!! SPM is here!!!

and for myself, i have to complete my federal mission.. huhu coming monday is the meeting, so weekend nih kene pulun aa sket.. x banyak.. 50+ pcs jek agik..

but my other frens, kak rosma, de 150 pcs agik.. my deares fren, yeoh, de 100+ pcs agik... my teammates, they are done. huhu..

cam ne irene leh lambat siap? first, i got more pcs then my teammates. they got 170 to 190, but i got 250.. huhu.. damn!!

then, there were the majlis kenduri doa selamat n solat hajat at my school on last saturday, which i didnt attend, n that upsetted my bosses, then on last sunday, i had my RAYA WiSE.. huhu.. for the sake of che sepan.. (ang kene ingat janji ang.. slagi akuk x kaweng.. ang kene teman aku.. ang da offer dirik tu... kan yah kan.. ang jadik saksi kan yah..) hehe.. ske kumpui ngan kengkawan, jd lupe dirik plak.. kene plak lepas tu irene lepak ngan geng irene kat jusco equine..

and then, i completed my form 4 classes xm papers.. n submitted the marks to the S/U Peperiksaan Dalaman..

then was the day that i felt very alone and small in the school.. when i couldnt find any replacement for SPM invagilating.. coz i have to attend the PMR meeting on this coming monday, so i couldnt invagilate SPM.. lgpun irene xnak coz i have another mission afterwards..

finally, on tuesday, due to the pick of stress, i skipped the day for work. huhu dok umah siapkan keje agik lege dari dgr n lihat suadana panas kat skola tu.. on wed, i was back to work.

oo.. before i forget.. due to the non-stop working-holic, not workaholic aa... i did sumthing to my hair... hmm wambut yang da tige tahun irene sayang nak potong nih.. i did sumthin with it. well, got both pro n cons reactions from friends and colleagues. hehehe.. not really short, but is not long.. bu it is sumthing from my childhood.. nak tau, tgk sendrik!!!! ehh.. asenyer xde upload agik my new look (angah n my colleagues kate i look like a chinese.. sampaikan depe sme tanyer.. i mmg de chinese blood ke??hukhuk.. PURE MALAY LAA!!!)

huhu.. pe agik nak membebel ekk.. well ntah.. nak sambung wat teje..

to all students ( if it happens the students are reading my blog) do take care of yourself... jgn telebey enjoy sangat... tahun depan nak skola agik..

and to all SPM candidates, GOOD LUCK!!!.. read the questions carefully and have your best idea and judgement. my prayers will always be with you..

take care all.


Monday, October 27, 2008

a story of..

salam guys..

ari nih irene still coti agik.. huhu.. yang bangangnyer.. irene x tau pun my work is off till wednesday.. only on thursday i have to come for work.. huhu.. ye laa.. tetahun sebelum nih i was working in a fully malay society kan, so kalo time festival bangsa laen nih mane de irene coti lelame.. aheh!!

last saturday i received a video call form a fren of mine.. dier g ke KK ngan bunch of friends. lovely.. jeles pun de. how did she find her time for holidays.. hmm.. irene nih ase, xpenah g benti sesaat pun dari wat keje.. adehh.. sapo cakap jd cikgu nih xbanyak keje.. saba jek laa.. now i am on a federal mission.. huk.. lagi laa plak.. kene warning, cannot be on holiday.. walllaaaaa.. tulun!!! nak jumpe sedara mara pun payah!!!

but last friday, i managed to steal just few hours of mine, to celebrate a fren’s birthday. hmm wisau gak memula tu.. kene plak sebab almost all our frens were so bz until sme owang macam da ngeluh.. how aa.. huhu.. even irene pun da ase cam nak pecah pala pk, cam ne nak wat. my pet sis plak mmg hope sangat that i will come coz my best fren nih mmg harap sangat i datang. hmm.. bayangkan, i was handling so many things that week, until tdo pun dapat la dua tige jam jek mggu tu.. diulangi ekk.. dua tige jam jek for that week!! kronik ke x kronik tu..

so, on that friday, after the meeting that ended quite late, i was rushing to jusco cheras slatan to collect the cake that was ordered. huhu.. skalik kek tu dier salah wat, n had to wait for the nearest store to send the one that i have ordered. buang maser agik.. at the same time, another fren called me and asked.. “erin, aku mmg xsempat gle nak g li adiah minah tu.. leh x ko tolong li kan?” okeh!! so bervideo call laa irene ngan kawan irene nih.. huhu skalik bateri ketepong plak abehh.. hulaa.. but managed to buy the present.. cung.. tp irene xde amik gamba.. suh kedai tu balut terus. adiah dier ialah sebuah jam dinding.. siap de 8… 8 kot slot utk letak gamba.. hmm.. leh letak muke irene, ayeen, angah, robin, mek NaNie, mohd Fier, tuan punyer badan n my pet sis… haaa.. cukup seh!!! akekekeke

irene plak bought her a miniature car… kaler merah agik.. bukan pe.. my car kan red, so, kuabadikan kereta ku pada nyer.. huhuhu.. mmg syahdu laa.. tp adiah dari irene tu akak irene yang g li.. huk.. as stated aerlier, irene mmg xde pluang langsung nak merayap!!!

so, sampai jek umah akak irene kui 6, mandi, then tunggu dier balik, then g order pizza. then tnggu angah mai, then g amik robin kui 8, then berlepas ke PD.. huhu dekat jek upenyrnyer PD tu ekk.. one hour jek dari umah.. huhu.. skalik bile kami da sampai area PD, the gang nih bgtau dier baru nak kua dari kl. ampehh!! before i forget, actually this fren of mine nih xtau yang irene, ayeen, angah n wobin akan join. sebab mmg kami sangat bz n kami keep on kate kami x dapek mai… akekek

so, sepanjang maser kami melapak kat pantai sementara tunggu tuan punyer badan nih sampai kami bersms ngan penumpang blakang. irene x tau le pe alasan depe blakon bg mengelakkan kehadiran irene n sahabat d PD nih di ketahui.. huhu.. but all the smses were funny le.. huhu… but yang paling best skalik, maser depe berhenti kat rnr seremban, irene siap kol agik tanyer, koang kat ne.. jauh g ke? betolak kui baper. sampaikan kawan irene si tuan punyer badan nih memati ingat irene ngah melepak kat lam bilik tggu time nak depature ke alam mimpi sebab penat.. ahehehe..

when diorang da dekat ngan tpt yang kitang sembunyik tu, kami pun sembunyikkan kete.. miahahaha… nampak jek depe da lepas, kami pun nyalakan enjin, n waited for ther signal to come. huhu.. upenyer, deme nih lama gak munggah barang. miahahahaha.. kami nih dah ase nak pitam da penat. ase kalo leh nak merangkak jek ke apartment depe tu.. huhu..

bile kami masuk.. ntah pe gak depe pakat nak suh kawan irene tu nyorok lam bilik sebab nak bg kami nih masuk umah tu, mmg minah nih x sedor ler yang kami nih de gak kat umah tu. then leh plak minah nih g ke balkoni.. tangan irene nih da menggigil pegang kek.. adus.. yang x berat pun ase cam berat ngat sebab da xde tenaga kan… huhu.. then kami serbu ke balkoni n jerit surprise.. n sang happy birthday song. irene tgk dier tergamam. dier pandang jek irene.. sampaikan suh tiup lilin pun dier xtiup.. last2 irene yang tertiup lilin tu.. huhu.. si angah nyalakan balik.. then baru dier tiup.. then minah nih paling n nanges.. kater.. “doang datang.. irene datang!!” huhu.. cam terharu plak. then irene letak kek atas meje, si minah nih xnak masuk umah.. dier nages kat balkoni.. tu tul atas air tu balkoni tu.. irene nih takut air skett.. jenuh laa pujuk.. then dier peluk irene n kate.. huhuhu.. x sangka ko datang.. x sangka ko datang.. ari tu ko kate ko bz x leh datang…” ahehe irene sengih jek.. irene kate, lerr.. bukan aku bawak kete.. aku lari laa jab.. kalo aku yang bawak kete, kompem x sampai.. mmg x larat.. then pujuk dier masuk.. huhuh touching sket ler.. but xtau irene nak cte cam ne..

huhu.. then malam tu berlalu cam bese.. kami sembang.. kene plak de kawan lama yang mai jenguk skalik sambil kenalkan bini dier.. waa.. best nyer!!! lama da x kumpul gnih…

the next morning, by 5.30 irene da kua dari pd.. i have to be at the meeting at 8.. huhuh.. penat.. mmg penat ngat. on the way to kl, irene tdo jek… angah n wobin temankan akak irene sembang.. cian gak kat doang..

well, irene tgk sahabat tu xde plak uploadkan gamba kat fs dier.. heheheh… well sahabat, jaga kete tu bebaik… n abadikan muke kami kat jam tu ekk.. ewahhh!!!

well, take care my fren.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

owwhhh.. before i forget, as for the musical part, this is the song that accompanied the event that nite...





Thursday, October 23, 2008


hello buddy...

well,, following ur words, so here i am now.. aheh!!!

really tired to blog lately, burt coz i had been promising my buddy to create one at blogger, so here i am now...

nuthin much for a start...

just to inform, will be bz with meeting for the next three daiz, then have to rush marking the xm papers for the two classes of mine.. miahahaha... huhu.. really hard to catch a breath!!

see ya next time... daaa!!