Saturday, December 10, 2011

it feels so touched when a person said " u r such a person who value every single thing in your life, from a minor conversation till the biggest card. It is so hard to find a person like u"

But kindda sad coz it comes from a person that u least expected to be in your life. And it wud be meaningful if the compliment from the person that u value much.

Yeah.. Some ppl r just being ungrateful.. But don't get me wrong. I am not feeling ungrateful with the person that compliment me. He is a GAY. Obviously, he is in the friend list..

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Apabila rindu itu amat menyiksa jiwaku..

Apabila kusedari, segala impianku hanyalah mainan fikiranku sahaja..

Apabila ku melihat betapa jauh kekurangan ku utk menawan dia...

Yang terbaik untuk ku lakukan, adalah mendiamkan diri, dan berserah pd Allah untuk menentukan apa yang terbaek untuk ku..

Kekuatan itu akan kucari, ku dakap dan tidak akan kulepaskan.. Agar aku mampu menempuh hari2 mendatang demi merawat lukaku yang entah bila akan sembuh..
Parut itu juga akan kupastikan hilang satu hari nnt..
Moga aku tidak akan memalingkan muka menahan air mata jika dia menjelma di hadapan ku..

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ombak Rindu..


Lama irene xmenulis kat blog neh.. Tiada keseempatan.. Tiada ruang utk menjengah.. Terlalu banyak perkara yang berlaku yang membuatkan ruang utk bernafas agak sempit..

Da lama xde post lagu cni.. Tiada cerita utk dicurahkan melalui lagu.. Atau.. Tiada lagu utk menginterpretasikan cerita.. Tp awal pg td, irene mendapat satu kiriman lagu yg membuat irene akur pd ego dan perasaan irene. Sesuatu yg da lama irene diamkan, pendamkan kerana bagi irene, tiada makna atau keadaan yg akan berubah pon jika irene terus berkata-kata..

Semua org sedang memperkatakan ttg filem ini. Filem yang ditunggu2 oleh peminat novel melayu. OMBAK RINDU. Irene penah gak baca novel ni dulu.. Ingat2 lupa..

Bg yg mengetahui, minat, tontonlah filem ni.. Irene, ntah..
Xnk mengundang sakit di atas luka yg xpernah sembuh..

OMBAK RINDU - Adira & Hafiz

Adira :
Tuhan tolong lembutkan hati dia
Untuk terima ku seadanya
Kerna ku tak sanggup
Kerna ku tak mampu
Hidup tanpa dia di sisi ku

Hafiz :
Tuhan aku tahu banyak dosa ku
Hanya ingat Kamu kala duka ku
Namun hanya Kamu yang mampu membuka
Pintu hatinya untuk cintaku

Hafiz :
Malam kau bawalah rinduku
Untuk dirinya yang jauh dari ku
Agar dia tidak kesepian
Selalu rasa ada cinta agung

Adira :
Hujan bawa air mata ku
Yang mengalir membasuh luka ku
Agar dia tahu ku terseksa
Tanpa cinta dia di hatiku

Hafiz & Adira :
Hanya mampu terserah
Moga cahaya di penanti

Tuhan tolong lembutkan hati dia
Untuk terima ku seadanya

Kerna ku tak sanggup
Kerna ku tak mampu
Hidup tanpa dia di sisi ku

Irene hanya mohon satu sahaja ruang masa darinya.. Dan selepas itu, tiada apa lagi yg akan irene harapkan darinya utk membuatkan irene ase bahagia..

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Almost believing This *was not* pretending..


on the Depavali Hols mood.. lazy mood so far.. aheh! bila coti, segalanya pon nak coti kan..

this evening i was visiting a friend, and her baby.. ske bebenor ngaco budak tu.. but today, the baby was not well.. kembong dr pg.. smlm kene rashes terok.. baek rashes kene kembong pulak.. hmm.. susah ati si ibu.. td dpt laa tolong sesket to cure the baby.. n before i left, dia punye tentut.. fuhhh mcm mesingun kua nyer... but just now, i got smses form the mother, informing me that the baby is getting worsen.. kembong balik.. hmm.. it is already 2.50am.. da tgh malam sgt pon kalo aku nk kua ke sana.. awal pagi gile.. quite dangerous gak kan..

well, my prayers from far, hope the baby would get well by the morning..

ok, what i want to share here actually, is a song. stendet aa.. music of my life kan.. td, the mummy was sharing few stories with me.. bout her baby.. while we were watching tv, and criticising the program/show on the tv aa kan.. kami kan penerbit drama kan.. kritik jek tau kan.. and then tetibe dia cakap... "yang, ko tau x sape nyanyi lagu SO CLOSE dlm movie Enchanted tu?" as for me yg jenis ske menonong jek tgk movie tanpe kesah sapa actor/actress/director/producer/singer/whoever terlibat aa kan, jwb le xtau.. then i googled through my phone.. and the, JON MCLAUGHLIN.. occay, she said.. i tried to play it on the phone, but the coverage was not good at her place, so i told her, later would download it for her..

then i left. got an appointment with a group of friends yg juge lama x jumpe.. aheh! then, reached home by 12..

da terlelap sebenarnye, but bila terjaga, xleh pejam lak mata neh.. kene lak dpt sms tu.. hmm.. so, turned on my lappy, n carik lagu tu..

n i understand very much why she wanted that song so much.. coz as i read the lyric, my tears also fallen..

so close, but yet so far.. only me and her know bout it..

You're in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on
For only two
So close together
And when I'm with you
So close to feeling alive
A life goes by
Romantic dreams must die
So I bid mine goodbye
And never knew
So close was waiting
Waiting here with you
And now, forever, I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close
So close to reaching
That famous happy end
Almost believing
This one's not pretend
Now you're beside me
And look how far we've come
So far
We are
So close
Oh, how could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?
We're so close to reaching
That famous happy end
Almost believing
This *was not* pretend
Let's go on dreaming
Though we know we are
So close
So close, and still
So far

Saturday, October 15, 2011


In front of the person you love, your heart beats faster
But in front of the person you like , you get happy.

In front of the person you love, winter seems like spring
But in front of the person you like, winter is just a beautiful winter.

If you look into the eyes of the one you love, you blush
But if you look into the eyes of the one you like, you smile.

In front of the person you love, you can' t say everything on your mind
But in front of the person you like, you can.

In front of the person you love, you tend to get shy
But in front of the person you like, you can show your ownself.

Then person you love comes into your mind every 2 minutes.
You can't look straight into the eyes of the one you love
But you can always smile into the eyes of the one you like.

When the one you love is crying, you cry with them
But when the one you like is crying, you end up comforting.

The feeling of love starts from the eye
And the feeling of like starts from the ear.

So if you stop liking a person you used to like
All you need to do is cover your ears,
But if you try to close your eyes
Love turns into a drop of tear and remains in your heart forever after.

Author Unknown

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Jangan Pernah Berubah.. ST12


org kate maseh dalam mood raya.. irene xde mood raya tahun neh.. irene just de mood lepak..

bangun pagi teros men game online.. hehehe.. da addict da ngan game carik rete tersembunyik.. hahaa.. tp susah gak nk upgrade level.. sbb kene de ramai neighbours.. for sure x ramai da yg men game online skang.. sme org bz kan..

td de siaran WALI BAND kat Astro Ria.. da adik irene turn on channel tu, irene biakan jek.. WALI BAND mmg best.. lelagu dia, ketuhahan.. dan dari dalam ati.. skali dalam layan band tu nyanyi lagu2 dlm version akaustik, de satu lagu popular dia.. lagu yg indah sebenarnya, tp menghiris ati irene sgt.. sebab tiap kali lagu tu irene dgr, segalanya akan terbayang jelas dpn mata..

keadaan da berubah dari setahun lalu.. tp keadaan itu berubah bukan dr irene.. irene maseh tidak berganjak..

if only time wudnt fly fast...

biarkan waktu teruslah berputar
ku cintai kamu penuh rasa sabar
meski sakit hati ini kau tinggalkan
ku ikhlas tuk bertahan

cintaku padamu begitu besar
namun kau tak pernah bisa merasakan
malah kini kau ucapkan selamat tinggal
membuat keresahan

* meninggalkanku tanpa perasaan
hingga ku jatuhkan air mata
kekecewaanku sungguh tak berarah
biarkan ku harus bertahan

jangan pernah kau coba untuk berubah
tak relakan yang indah hilanglah sudah
jangan pernah kau coba untuk berubah
tak relakan yang indah hilanglah sudah

repeat *
repeat reff

jangan pernah kau coba untuk berubah
ku relakan yang indah dalam hatinya

Thursday, September 1, 2011

it isn't my option to be this way..


Is it wrong to still be single?
Is it wrong for still havnt found anyone to be life partner?

Have ever anyone thought that be single at my age is not an option but a fate that is VERY PAINFUL to live with?

Have ever anyone knew how hurt it is to listen, see, and smile everytime ppl talking at how perfect their life with their very own families?

Have ever YOU see me cry everytime YOU share your happiness??

Tolong laa.. Aku manusia.. Aku juga ada perasaan.. Ade keinginan.. Cuba fahami aku..

Aku bukan patong yg mmg xksah kalo sepi.. Aku manusia.. So tolong aa paham..

Cukup2 laa lukakan ati aku dgn kekate yg mungkin xde pe makna kat org laen, tp sgt menghiris utk aku...

Cukup laa.. Aku lelahla ngan kekate sebegini..

Aku xnh memilih utk tidak berteman..