Is it wrong to still be single?
Is it wrong for still havnt found anyone to be life partner?
Have ever anyone thought that be single at my age is not an option but a fate that is VERY PAINFUL to live with?
Have ever anyone knew how hurt it is to listen, see, and smile everytime ppl talking at how perfect their life with their very own families?
Have ever YOU see me cry everytime YOU share your happiness??
Tolong laa.. Aku manusia.. Aku juga ada perasaan.. Ade keinginan.. Cuba fahami aku..
Aku bukan patong yg mmg xksah kalo sepi.. Aku manusia.. So tolong aa paham..
Cukup2 laa lukakan ati aku dgn kekate yg mungkin xde pe makna kat org laen, tp sgt menghiris utk aku...
Cukup laa.. Aku lelahla ngan kekate sebegini..
Aku xnh memilih utk tidak berteman..
Why ur fren kept pestering u with the questions? dah takde keje laen ke deme? Ape pon u sabar jelah...dugaan kot.....I understand how u fell....slamat ari raya reen..keep in touch yeah...
Single is not a status. It's a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others. Be brave my friend!! Don't let orthodox people ruin your mind.
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