Kabare? Lama x nyinggah menulis.. Ade mcm bz aa aa lately.. (Mcm bosan kan dgr ayat tuh...)
Xlama lg nk masok bulan mei.. Bulan 5, bulan kasih sayang.. Bulan 5 ade hari ibu. De ari guru. Even bermula dengan ari pekerja.. Hmm.. Tp hari bapa bulan JUN. Dr dulu irene heran.. Nape pisahkan ari ibu ngan ari bapa? Nape x dedekat jek.. Tp xsape leh jwbkan.. Tu bukan agenda kite.. Tu agenda dr barat.. Cume nilai kasih syg tu yg kite terapkan dan sebarkan...
Terbaca satu post dr fb. Kindda senyum membaca. Senyum kelat. Tp sorry, xde mood nk ulas..
Irene anak manje abah. Even irene paling degil, tp abah slalu carik irene. Tp lately, irene melarikan diri dr abah. Ntah, ade mcm satu rasa kasihan n sayu tgk abah, tp irene xtau nk react mcm mane pada abah. Kene plak bc post kat FB tu, wat irene maken sayu..
"Mungkin ibu lbh kerap menelefon utk menanyakan keadaan kita setiap hari..Tp tahukah kita, sebenar nya ayah lah yg mengingatkan ibu utk menelefon kita? Semasa kecil, ibu lah yg lebih sering mendukung kita..Tp tahukah kita bhw sebaik saja ayah pulang bekerja dgn wajah yg letih ayahlah slalu menanyakan apa yg kita lakukan seharian ? Saat kita sakit@demam, ayah sering membentak "sudah diberitahu! jgn minum ais!".Tp tahukah kamu bahwa ayah sangat risau.?? Ketika kita remaja, kita meminta izin untk keluar malam. Ayah dgn tegas berkata "tidak boleh!"..Sedarkah kita bhw ayah hanya ingin menjaga kita? Krn bagi ayah, kita adlh sesuatu yg sangat berharga. Saat kita sudah d percayai, ayah pun melonggarkan peraturannya. Maka kita telah melangar kpercayaan nya...Maka ayah lah yg setia menunggu kita di ruang tamu dgn rasa sangat risau.. Setelah kita dewasa,ayah telah mghantar kita ke sekolah@kolej untuk belajar.. Di saat kita memerlukan ini-itu, utk keperluan kuliah kita, ayah hanya mengerutkan dahi.tanpa menolak, beliau memenuhinya..Saat kamu berjaya..Ayah adlh org pertama yg berdiri dan bertepuk tangan untukmu..Ayah akan tersenyum dngan bangga.. Sampai ketika jodoh kita telah datang dan meminta izin untuk mengambil kita dari ayah..Ayah sangat berhati-hati mengizinkan nya..Dan akhirnya..Saat ayah melihat kita duduk di atas plamin bersama pasangan nya..ayahpun tersenyum bahagia.. Apa kita tahu,bhw ayah sempat pergi ke belakang dan menangis? Ayah menangis krn ayah sangat bahagia..Dan diapun berdoa "Ya Tuhan, tugasku telah selesai dgn baik..Bahagiakan lah putra putri kecilku yg manis bersama pasangannya".. Setelah itu ayah hanya akan menunggu kedatangan kita brsma cucu-cucunya yg sesekali dtg utk menjenguk..Dengan rambut yg memutih dan badan yg tak lagi kuat untuk menjaga kita.. (sebarkan jika kita sayang kepada ayah kita)"
Abah, adik sayang abah, tp adik xtau mcm mane nk berhadapan ngan abah.. Kite da x mcm dulu...
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
I got this song from a friend's file.. Layan jek dgr.. I told my friend, Rihanna nye lagu kan, byk makan dalam kan.. Byk yg meluahkan isi ati.. Hehehe.. The HURT can be obviously seen and heard..
So secara peribadi irene, Rihanna da masok dlm senarai yg akan irene beri perhatian..
Owhh.. De soang g.. EMINEM.. But itu akan irene ulas nnt.. Aheh!
So guys, enjoy this song! Skang mmg irene ngah layan lagu ni sblm tdo.. Sgt mendayu n membuai irene tdo..
I'm not the type to get my heart broken
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
'Cause I never leave my heart open
Never hurts me to say goodbye
Relationships don't get deep to me
Never got the whole 'in love' thing
And someone can say they love me truly
But at the time it didn't mean a thing
My mind is gone, I'm spinnin' 'round
And deep inside my tears I'll drown
I'm losin' grip, what's happenin'?
I strayed from love, this is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm in this condition
And I've got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
Did it happen when we first kissed?
'Cause it's hurtin' me to let it go
Maybe 'cause we spent so much time
And I know that it's no more
I shoulda never let you hold me baby
Maybe why I'm sad to see us apart
I didn't give to you on purpose
Gotta figure out how you stole my heart
My mind is gone, I'm spinnin' 'round
And deep inside my tears I'll drown
I'm losin' grip, what's happenin'?
I strayed from love, this is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm in this condition
And I've got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
How did I get here with you? I'll never know
I never meant to let it get so personal
And after all I tried to do, stay away from lovin' you
I'm broken hearted, I can't let you know
And I won't let it show, you won't see me cry
This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm in this condition
And I've got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
(You'll never see me cry)
Now I'm in this condition
And I've got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
On my life
I got this song from a friend's file.. Layan jek dgr.. I told my friend, Rihanna nye lagu kan, byk makan dalam kan.. Byk yg meluahkan isi ati.. Hehehe.. The HURT can be obviously seen and heard..
So secara peribadi irene, Rihanna da masok dlm senarai yg akan irene beri perhatian..
Owhh.. De soang g.. EMINEM.. But itu akan irene ulas nnt.. Aheh!
So guys, enjoy this song! Skang mmg irene ngah layan lagu ni sblm tdo.. Sgt mendayu n membuai irene tdo..
I'm not the type to get my heart broken
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
'Cause I never leave my heart open
Never hurts me to say goodbye
Relationships don't get deep to me
Never got the whole 'in love' thing
And someone can say they love me truly
But at the time it didn't mean a thing
My mind is gone, I'm spinnin' 'round
And deep inside my tears I'll drown
I'm losin' grip, what's happenin'?
I strayed from love, this is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm in this condition
And I've got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
Did it happen when we first kissed?
'Cause it's hurtin' me to let it go
Maybe 'cause we spent so much time
And I know that it's no more
I shoulda never let you hold me baby
Maybe why I'm sad to see us apart
I didn't give to you on purpose
Gotta figure out how you stole my heart
My mind is gone, I'm spinnin' 'round
And deep inside my tears I'll drown
I'm losin' grip, what's happenin'?
I strayed from love, this is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm in this condition
And I've got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
How did I get here with you? I'll never know
I never meant to let it get so personal
And after all I tried to do, stay away from lovin' you
I'm broken hearted, I can't let you know
And I won't let it show, you won't see me cry
This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm in this condition
And I've got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
(You'll never see me cry)
Now I'm in this condition
And I've got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
On my life
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Lately, I think, I am over-stressed. There were 3 weekends I put everything aside, but now I have to come back to reality. WORKLOADS. Yes, feeling kindda blurrrrr when thinking bout lotsa matters that need my attention.
And to my dear friends, sorry if lately, I haven't be myself. I haven't shown my participation in everything we did and do whole-hearytedly. My mind was and is not here. Somewhere, under the stack of files. Under the bags. Under my bed.
Just a short entry this time. Yes, I am hurt with some ppl reactions towards me. I just couldn't put my mind straight. Sorry, if I'd caused trouble..
Lately, I think, I am over-stressed. There were 3 weekends I put everything aside, but now I have to come back to reality. WORKLOADS. Yes, feeling kindda blurrrrr when thinking bout lotsa matters that need my attention.
And to my dear friends, sorry if lately, I haven't be myself. I haven't shown my participation in everything we did and do whole-hearytedly. My mind was and is not here. Somewhere, under the stack of files. Under the bags. Under my bed.
Just a short entry this time. Yes, I am hurt with some ppl reactions towards me. I just couldn't put my mind straight. Sorry, if I'd caused trouble..
Friday, April 8, 2011
Sedetik of Me..
Lama da irene x menjengok menulis.. Berkongsi pepe ttg irene kat cni.. Irene terlalu bz.. N kesihatan mental n fizikal agak terganggu ngan keje.. Agak dasat tahun ni bg irene sepanjang menjadi guru.. Tanggungjawab tahun ni agak mencabar, selaen dr anak2 murid yg hampir kesemuanya mencabar kesabaran..
Ada pasang surut dlm kehidupan.. Masih.. Tp cume ase lemas ngan asakan masa n keadaan.. Irene hampir ase putus asa nk setelkan keje.. Tp amanah n tanggungjawab, irene teruskan juga.. Cume alhamdulillah, tahun ni irene terlepas dari MUET, sekurang2nya ada lebih byk masa di sekolah..
Peribadi.. Banyak kisah yg berlaku, tp asenye tidak perlu irene detailkan kat cni.. Just ase tertipu, sakit ati, kecewa belegar.. Siapa? Pada siapa? Xpelah.. Jikalau ade yg membaca n terasa, irene nk bgtau cni, terima kasih kerana menggembirakan irene seketika.. Seperti mana org laen, kekurangan irene terlihat dan andai kekurangan irene tidak menyenangkan, maaf, irene manusia biasa.. Irene bukan perfect lady.. Kalo perfect agaknya lama da irene nih idak jadik cikgu.. Jd MISS MALAYSIA and MISS WORLD/UNIVERSE gamaknya.. Da perfect kan.. Tp irene idak.. Tu laa pasal irene jadik cikgu jek..
Xpe lah.. Irene amik pengajaran dari kisah kali ini.. Mujur hanya bunga, belom berbuah.. Jd kehilangan tak berkesan sgt walaupun terasa..
Well.. Now de dua lagu yg irene ske dgr.. Kedua2nya dari movie...
You Haven't Seen The Last of Me..
Feeling broken
Barely holding on
But there's just something so strong
Somewhere inside me
And I am down but I'll get up again
Don't count me out just yet
I've been brought down to my knees
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I'll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven't seen the last of me
You haven't seen the last of me
They can say that
I won't stay around
But I'm gonna stand my ground
You're not gonna stop me
You don't know me
You don't know who I am
Don't count me out so fast
I've been brought down to my knees
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I'll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven't seen the last of me
There will be no fade out
This is not the end
I'm down now
But I'll be standing tall again
Times are hard but
I was built tough
I'm gonna show you all what I'm made of
I've been brought down to my knees
And I've been pushed right past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I'll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
I am far from over
You haven't seen the last of me
No no
I'm not going nowhere
I'm staying right here
Oh no
You won't see me fade out
I'm not taking my bow
Can't stop me
It's not the end
You haven't seen the last of me
Oh no
You haven't seen the last of me
You haven't seen the last of me
Sedetik Lebih
Setiap nafas yang dihembus
Setiap degupan jantung
Aku selalu memikirkanmu
Dalam sedar dibuai angan
Dalam tidur dan khayalan
Aku selalu memikirkanmu
Ternyata ku perlukan cinta dari dirimu sayang
Barulah terasa ku bernyawa
Kasihku…ku amat mencintai kamu
Kerana kau beri erti hidup
Ku kan terus mencinta sedetik lebih selepas selamanya
Di kala penuh ketakutan dengan badai kehidupan
Ku bersyukur adanya kamu
Biarlah kehilangan semua yang dimiliki di dunia
Asal masih adanya kamu
Sahabat.. Terima kasih atas sokongan anda..
B, thank you for the chance u still give to me..
KAMU, nice knowing u ya..
ALL, speechless..
Lama da irene x menjengok menulis.. Berkongsi pepe ttg irene kat cni.. Irene terlalu bz.. N kesihatan mental n fizikal agak terganggu ngan keje.. Agak dasat tahun ni bg irene sepanjang menjadi guru.. Tanggungjawab tahun ni agak mencabar, selaen dr anak2 murid yg hampir kesemuanya mencabar kesabaran..
Ada pasang surut dlm kehidupan.. Masih.. Tp cume ase lemas ngan asakan masa n keadaan.. Irene hampir ase putus asa nk setelkan keje.. Tp amanah n tanggungjawab, irene teruskan juga.. Cume alhamdulillah, tahun ni irene terlepas dari MUET, sekurang2nya ada lebih byk masa di sekolah..
Peribadi.. Banyak kisah yg berlaku, tp asenye tidak perlu irene detailkan kat cni.. Just ase tertipu, sakit ati, kecewa belegar.. Siapa? Pada siapa? Xpelah.. Jikalau ade yg membaca n terasa, irene nk bgtau cni, terima kasih kerana menggembirakan irene seketika.. Seperti mana org laen, kekurangan irene terlihat dan andai kekurangan irene tidak menyenangkan, maaf, irene manusia biasa.. Irene bukan perfect lady.. Kalo perfect agaknya lama da irene nih idak jadik cikgu.. Jd MISS MALAYSIA and MISS WORLD/UNIVERSE gamaknya.. Da perfect kan.. Tp irene idak.. Tu laa pasal irene jadik cikgu jek..
Xpe lah.. Irene amik pengajaran dari kisah kali ini.. Mujur hanya bunga, belom berbuah.. Jd kehilangan tak berkesan sgt walaupun terasa..
Well.. Now de dua lagu yg irene ske dgr.. Kedua2nya dari movie...
You Haven't Seen The Last of Me..
Feeling broken
Barely holding on
But there's just something so strong
Somewhere inside me
And I am down but I'll get up again
Don't count me out just yet
I've been brought down to my knees
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I'll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven't seen the last of me
You haven't seen the last of me
They can say that
I won't stay around
But I'm gonna stand my ground
You're not gonna stop me
You don't know me
You don't know who I am
Don't count me out so fast
I've been brought down to my knees
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I'll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven't seen the last of me
There will be no fade out
This is not the end
I'm down now
But I'll be standing tall again
Times are hard but
I was built tough
I'm gonna show you all what I'm made of
I've been brought down to my knees
And I've been pushed right past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I'll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
I am far from over
You haven't seen the last of me
No no
I'm not going nowhere
I'm staying right here
Oh no
You won't see me fade out
I'm not taking my bow
Can't stop me
It's not the end
You haven't seen the last of me
Oh no
You haven't seen the last of me
You haven't seen the last of me
Sedetik Lebih
Setiap nafas yang dihembus
Setiap degupan jantung
Aku selalu memikirkanmu
Dalam sedar dibuai angan
Dalam tidur dan khayalan
Aku selalu memikirkanmu
Ternyata ku perlukan cinta dari dirimu sayang
Barulah terasa ku bernyawa
Kasihku…ku amat mencintai kamu
Kerana kau beri erti hidup
Ku kan terus mencinta sedetik lebih selepas selamanya
Di kala penuh ketakutan dengan badai kehidupan
Ku bersyukur adanya kamu
Biarlah kehilangan semua yang dimiliki di dunia
Asal masih adanya kamu
Sahabat.. Terima kasih atas sokongan anda..
B, thank you for the chance u still give to me..
KAMU, nice knowing u ya..
ALL, speechless..
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